Meet Lori

My Background
I'm a native of Michigan but a Virginian by choice. I moved to this area in 1982 and returned after college and my early professional career in 2005. My midwestern roots taught me the value of hard work and dedication. I've lived in the Lee Hill District with my Husband of 26 years and my 18 year old Son for the past 16 years
What You Can Expect From Me
I am a graduate of George Mason University and co-owner of our family business in Stafford County. My professional career encompasses working both in the public and private sector. I understand the complexities of working within a tight budget. I am a problem solver who works to find common ground to build upon. I will work for YOU.
I believe that government should work for the people. Managing tax dollars and the increasing needs of the citizenry can be challenging, I believe elected officials are beholden to the taxpayers to be good stewards of funds. I pledge to be a good steward of YOUR tax dollars.
As our community continues to grow, we must support essential services such as Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management (FREM), Sheriff's Department and Spotsylvania County Public Schools (SCPS). Growth in our community impacts all essential services, being mindful of our growth and the needs of those organization who serve the public is paramount to ensuring that the community is safe. Additionally, growing jobs by joining forces with area businesses will allow for Spotsylvania to continue to flourish.
I am a firm believer that citizens should be engaged in their government. All too often we take a passive role because of time constraints, very few people have time to weed through lengthy agendas or sit through hours long board meetings. My goal is to keep citizens informed and engaged so their voices can be heard. The honor of serving on the Board of Supervisors comes with the responsibility to engage fellow citizens and truly represent those who live in the Lee Hill District.
I believe that we should invest our time and talents for the betterment of all. As a small business owner I understand the importance of businesses giving back to the community. We have contributed to our community through our support of the police K9 units in addition to various philanthropic agencies in the area. I am a member of the Stafford Rotary Club and have served as the First Vice President of the Massaponax Band Parent Association for the past three years.